The following year Dave planned to take it to Japan, but he didn’t get the paper work fixed up on it so it didn’t go. Because he had other projects going on and he focused on finishing those the bike sat for 3 and a half years. Once he got all his other projects finished up he decided to finish up the LFR 11X. So around April of 2008 he started working on it again.

He sent the frame out to powder coating at Specialized and Harpoon did the paint. Motor is now 11:1 compression. “Tempermental” he says.

As Dave explains, “Only because it’s getting the starting combination. It runs fucking great. It’s a weird combination of cam and compression. So it’s kinda hard to dial in, but I’m getting closer and closer. But it runs super strong.

It’s just getting it fine tuned a little better.” Dave had a quick turn throttle on it, which made it twice as touchy. “You just turn it a little bit and your at full throttle. It was knarly. It’s also got tons of ground clearance, handles bitchin, it’s just fun as shit.” added Dave.
Part 4 tomorrow.
Great piece on chopper daves ride...and good read on denver dan too... keep em comin..!!! jealous of the great bike scene in the states here in thailand i ride alone..but hey the sun is shining n the roads are long
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the features. Working on more.
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