I spent the last few days photographing some of Body Glove's surf team riders as they go through the process of getting certified for diving.

Day 1 is classroom.

Day 2 they go out to the pool and practice their underwater skills.

Part of the training they need to tread water for 10 mins and swim 16 laps.

Here they are doing their skills test in the shallow end of the pool.

One of the test the instructor shuts the air off from the tank to show you how it feels when your out of air.

Dive Instructor: Scott Smith. Scott also works with me at Body Glove. He is the video and edit guy. Great guy and fun to hang out with.

Here the class is ready to drop down the anchor line. It was a perfect day for diving. The weather was clear and little swell in the water which made for good visibility down below.

Scott Smith having the class perform their skills down at 40 feet.

After they do their skill tests Scott takes them on a little tour around the bottom of the ocean.

Mike Losness (Body Glove Team Pro Surfer) with his wife Ally.

The class swimming around through the kelp. They had to 2 dives on Tuesday and another 2 on Wednesday. Once they complete that then they are certified to go down to 60 feet.