Finished the layout of the book. Printed out a copy and now making my edits and corrections. Still need to create a cover and intro page. It's coming along and is about 140 pages large. Hope to have the revisions done this week and start printing them. Alot of great people in the book.

You think you'll have them for the Hippy Killer Hoedown?
The goal is to have them done by then. Working all this week on it to wrap it up.
looking forward to this Mark!
That photo of Brandon rules.
Can't wait to see that book man!
kick ass picture ! good luck for the book...ALBERTO s.f.f.s.
Sweet. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Do you ship to UK?
All international orders will be handled through email. I will get a price on international shipping for the area it will be shipped to and let buyers know the total cost and take payment through pay pal.
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