In between periods we hit up the bar to grab a beer and some sushi. While we were standing around waiting for a table I over heard this man talking on his phone telling someone where he was and to meet him there. So as we were waiting this guy shows up and they were talking and I notice he was showing this couple a ring. I looked at him and noticed he had a "Staff" id on and realized it was the actual Stanley Cup ring that the players had just received. I asked him if it was the real thing and he said yes. I guess not only the players get the ring but the whole LA Kings staff gets one. He was in ticket sales. He let Liz hold it and check it out. It is made by Tiffany & Co and is really nice. The guy pointed out that they spelled his name wrong on it but he didn't care.
Now my only hope is the Kings knock the rust off and get it into gear and start getting on the winning track and kick some ass.
Hey Rich the Kings are in your town on Tuesday. Let's see if they can get it together and get a win against Colorado!
That ONE Stanley cup banner up there must be pretty lonely, huh? Nah, jk, that was cool that you got to see the ceremony, and that Liz got to hold that ring.
Well, the Avs sucked in Minnesota on Sat. night, so I'm assuming that they'll kick some Kings ass on Tues. Are you coming out for the game? Now, that would be cool!
that ring would look a whole lot better with a winged wheel on it... ;-)
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